Sarvo Technologies Limited is the leading Indian manufacturer of Pumps, Since its foundation in 1991, Sarvo has developed and marketed a wide range of products for various applications. Today the product lines include Monobloc, Centrifugal & Jet Pumps, Submersible Pumps, Home Pressure Systems, Sewage Pumps, Garden Submersible Pumps, Whirlpool Pumps.
The company has recently launched Softners, Sand Filters, and R.O. Systems for Industrial applications.
Today Sarvo Pumps provide the dependable source of pumping energy, Once used they never fail to get admiration for their superb performance and quality from our users.
Sarvo Technologies Limited has the latest manufacturing and research facilities. It has also won many awards at the national level such as the Laghu Udyog award, IES Udyog Rattan award, and felicitations by the State Bank of India